Evidence of Giants, Dragons, and Ancient Astronauts

Just like the Critiques page, if you can break it down, we'll listen.

Ancient Technology Found on the Moon – We Not the First Visitors


The Moon, our closest celestial neighbor, is a silent witness to the mysteries of the cosmos. We've explored its barren surface, mapped its craters, and brought back rocks for analysis. But what if we've missed something? What if hidden within the lunar dust lies evidence that we are not the first visitors to this cosmic body? Could ancient technology, perhaps not of this Earth, be buried on the Moon, left behind by an advanced civilization? And if that's true, where else might their technology have been found? Today, we'll explore pieces of mysterious technology, some found on the Moon, others here on Earth, that suggest we might not be alone—or the first.

Ancient Aliens: Do Alien-Human Hybrids Live Among Us? (S14, E10) | Full Episode






Are extraterrestrials altering human DNA and repopulating the Earth with alien/human hybrids?


See more in Season 14, Episode 10, "Project Hybrid."

Aliens & Demons


UFO conventions may not seem like a good place for a Christian theology professor, but that’s where you can sometimes find Dr. Michael Heiser, an Old Testament scholar and author of the book, The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible. Dr. Heiser’s interest in UFO stories has led him to ask intriguing questions like, are all these stories of unidentified objects in the sky and alien abductions merely the product of sci-fi fantasy run amuck or could there be something deeper hidden under the surface?

In this provocative documentary, Dr. Michael Heiser explores the unexpected intersection between UFOs, alien abductions, the world of angels and demons, and the ancient texts that speak of them.

NASA Claims Discovery of Alien Spacecraft on the Moon, Appearing to Have Been Present

for an Extended Duration



In a groundbreaking revelation shaking the scientific community, NASA astronauts have unveiled the discovery of an alien spacecraft on the Moon. This extraordinary find, suggesting a prolonged presence on the lunar surface, has ignited global speculation and fascination. Join us as we delve into this remarkable discovery and contemplate its profound implications for our understanding of the cosmos.


The Unveiling of the Discovery: During a routine exploration mission to the Moon, NASA astronauts stumbled upon a peculiar anomaly nestled within the lunar terrain. Drawing closer, their instruments detected a distinct signal: the unmistakable presence of an extraterrestrial spacecraft whose origin remains a mystery. The spacecraft, ominously still and devoid of activity, loomed as a silent sentinel upon the desolate lunar expanse. Its sleek and unconventional design offered a tantalizing glimpse into its otherworldly nature.



Erich von Daniken Flying Vehicles in the Bible That Cannot Be Explained




Erich von Daniken. - For curious minds who are questioning life and archaeological discoveries of unexplained, von Daniken liberates our mind to what probably was but got lost in history by conventional religious and then government tactics over the years of human history. If you are in any doubt about the existence of a God, then watch this.



Were there three Moons above the Earth in ancient times, and where did they go?


Carbon analysis has shown that the disaster occurred about 5800 years ago, and this is the 4th century BC. It is believed that at this time there was the birth of civilizations on Earth. The luminous celestial body is mentioned by Egyptian, Babylonian, Old Norse sources, myths of the peoples of Oceania. There is such a mention in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas.

143,000 years ago, three satellites were orbiting over Midgard - Earth: Lelya - a small moon with a rotation period of 7 days, Fatta - an average moon with a rotation period of 13 days, and a Month-the current Moon with a period of 29.5 days. Fatta revolved around Midgard - earth in the equatorial plane, so perhaps on the ancient bronze disk, it seems to lie, resembling a boat. It also follows from the Vedas that Lelya and the Moon are the satellites that our planet had, but Fatta was dragged from the Earth by the Dey. These events are also reflected in the myths and legends of different peoples.

Also, from the Vedas, you can learn what happened in those distant times when one of the three moons died.

11 (139). You, on Midgard, live in peace, since a long time ago,

when the world was established...

Remembering from the Vedas, about the deeds of Dazhbog,

how did he demolish strongholds Koshcheev,

that they were on the Nearest Moon[59]...


Tarkh did not allow the treacherous Koschei Destroy Midgard as they destroyed Deya... ...

These Koshchei, the rulers of the Grays,

they perished together with the moon in a half-storm[61]...

But Midgard paid for his freedom,

Daaria hidden by the Great Flood...

12 (140). The waters of the Moon, that Flood created,

on the Ground from the sky they fell like a rainbow,

For the moon has broken apart,

and the army of the Svarozhichs

[62] descended into Midgard...

These events caused the earth's axis to tilt by 23.5 degrees, which caused various cataclysms and a worldwide flood. Huge chunks of the celestial satellite fell into the Pacific Ocean, causing waves that went around the entire planet. In the legends of the Indians of the Amazon basin, it is told that the stars fell from the sky, with a terrible roar and roar, and then darkness came and such a downpour fell that soon the whole world was flooded. Most likely, this is the event that was preserved by the Sumerians and Babylonians and is also described in the biblical myth of the Flood.





Why are God, Gods, Giants, Dragons and Eternity all Documented in all Cultures...Deep Discussion Pt1


Today we are too smart to even consider Gods, Giants, Dragons and some question God and Eternity or Spirituality at all. No God.  We may be smart, but it seems most if not all ancient cultures have these common threads....

God, Gods, Giants, Dragons and Eternity...... and there is now New Evidence in support of many Documents and Old Testimonials about Creation Knowledge.... when man walked with the Greek Gods.