Statement of Claim
- 2022 Participants Listing
Deadline Extended to June 30, 2023, For Nation-Wide Call to Challenge Federal Government Mandates
A statement of claim is a document that is filed in a Canadian court by a person or organization seeking relief from another person or organization. It sets out the facts and legal basis for the claim, as well as the specific relief being sought. The statement of claim must be served on the defendant, who then has an opportunity to respond by filing a statement of defense. Once filed in a court of law, the plaintiff has 12 months to serve it on the defendant. This is the beginning of the legal process in a lawsuit.
Attention Canadian Federal and Federally Regulated Employees
The following information explains a unique opportunity to join a new STATEMENT OF CLAIM WITH TOP CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYER, Mr. Rocco Galati, B.A., LL.B., LL.M.
If you missed the deadline to join his first effort, HERE IS YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY to partake in the second Statement of Claim!
Due to Federal Government Covid-19 mandates, this Statement of Claim will be a detailed description of the adverse impacts in which you incurred economic losses, constitutional infringements and, or mental injuries. It provides you with the opportunity to collect the monetary compensation that you deserve.
To join this second Statement of Claim, please immediately respond confidently by filling out the Statement of Claim form below.
As a volunteer group, we have created an "Expression of Interest" or, a participant's list as a prelude to determining the feasibility of developing and qualifying for a second "Statement of Claim."
There appears to be the possibility that many federal and federally regulated employees may still have an ongoing personal interest in participating in this one-time opportunity.
This Expression of Interest initiative now requires one final effort to secure the maximum number of qualified Plaintiffs and ensure an affordable individual retainer fee for all.
We recognize that you may already be part of other legal proceedings.
As a point of clarification, you can participate in several similar legal proceedings against another party, as long as each prosecution focuses on a different case. For example, in the case of vaccination mandates, you may file legal proceedings against your employer for liability and compensation for irregularities and employment-related offenses. You may also participate in legal proceedings against the federal government for constitutional and Charter violations that have infringed on your freedom and rights.
Our volunteer group is validating and preparing the qualifying Express of Interest for final submission to Mr. Galati, who will assume this initiative after that.
This is a one-time personal opportunity for you and there are no commitments made by you by participating in our Expression of Interest.
A qualifying process after June 30, 2023, will make the final determination as to your eligibility status. At that time, we will create your commitment once you submit your retainer agreement and the associated fee. Please note that we will not issue any retainer fee refund once legal action commences.
We acknowledge that your personal and private information is deemed sensitive and confidential under the "Personal Information Protection Act, SBC 2003, c 63." Appropriate processes and restrictive measures are in place to ensure and protect all personal and private information.
To grow this initiative nationally and within federal and federally regulated industries, we would like to request your participation to help secure as many qualified participants as possible.
Whether you are interested in participating in this opportunity or not, we request your assistance in promoting this initiative by using our Expression of Interest document (see below) and word of mouth with people of like interest. This document summarizes this unique opportunity for all federal and federally regulated employees that have endured an adverse impact from implementing federal Covid-19 vaccine mandates and passports. Promotion within your social circles, employment workplace, and communicating not just within your specific industry and other federally regulated industries would be greatly appreciated. If you have knowledge or access to national and industry-specific social media sites, please arrange to provide us with the relevant information, such as its web link.
On behalf of our organizing team, we greatly appreciate your valuable time and support of this outstanding opportunity.
Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions. We will provide you with the required responses. You can reach us at our e-mail: