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Green Breast Milk and Green Red Black Semen
More Evidence of Mass Sterilization Underway?
We Repeat Our Warning That COPPER Is the Key


Green Breast Milk

Red, Green And Black Semen

High Copper and Low Zinc Consumption
Disrupts The p53 Anti-Cancer Function

Some Claim Algae Changes Breast Milk Color
Note - Blue-Green Algae Is High In Copper



“Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed for ever. You might dodge successfully for a while, even for years, but sooner or later they were bound to get you”. – Orwell’s 1984

“They do not even need evidence to condemn someone they believe is guilty”. – Orwell’s 1984

Many people have joked that Orwell’s 1984 wasn’t supposed to be an instruction manual, but now it’s not a joke. Orwell’s cautionary warning about authoritarianism, mass surveillance, and the suppression of free speech through the use of propaganda, censorship, and threat of imprisonment and torture, has come to fruition, especially since the Party’s rollout of the covid plandemic in 2020. Despite virtually every student being required to read 1984 at some point in their schooling, none of Orwell’s strident warnings seem to have been grasped. Therefore, the ruling oligarchy has used virtually every totalitarian tool in the novel to their fullest extent.

I don’t believe anything the government says, reports, instructs me to fear, or demands me to hate. I have felt this way for at least the last two decades. And my mistrust has proven to be entirely warranted, as our freedoms, liberties, and rights have been trampled upon and discarded by our overlords. With the proliferation of social media platforms, which should have vastly expanded our free speech opportunities and free flow of information, we’ve seen a massive effort by “The Party”/Deep State to censor anything that deviates from the approved state narrative and career ending punishment of those willing to contradict the lies, mistruths, and disinformation.

As Ron Paul stated many years ago: “Truth is treason in an empire of lies.” And this empire of debt, destruction, delusion, and decadence is sustained only by lies and false narratives at this pivotal point in history. The bloviating neo-con authoritarian tyrants fall back on the same old tired narrative of the U.S. being the beacon of light in a dark world, when it is the failing American empire spreading death, destruction, and disarray around the globe. Hanging their hat on the most powerful military in the world and having the dominant currency in the world is a losing proposition.

We spent over $2 trillion fighting the Taliban from 2001 until 2022 and were defeated by a bunch of third world goat herders. Most powerful military in the world, my ass. Every military conflict we initiate, or sponsor becomes a clusterfuck. The U.S. initiated the Ukraine war in 2014 with the CIA overthrow of the legitimately elected government and we have poured over a hundred billion into this quagmire since provoking Putin to invade. We fund all sides in the Middle East debacle, that threatens to expand into WW3. This doesn’t even count the hundreds of billions wasted in the destruction of Iraq, Libya, and Syria. But at least the military industrial complex extracted enormous profits as the empire crumbled.

Rabbit Hole Of Despair: The More Content You Consume, The Worse Mental Health Gets


Whether it’s internet rabbit holes or endless social media interactions, a new poll finds the more time you spend obsessing over what’s happening on your screen, the worse your mental health gets.

According to the survey, the average American feels like they lose three days per month while consuming online content. The poll of 2,000 Americans revealed that 36 days of our year are lost to scrolling, streaming, and bingeing content. It’s even worse for younger people. Gen Z Americans feel like they lose closer to five days per month.

The comprehensive study on media consumption trends by Talker Research also revealed that excessive content consumption can result in feelings of guilt, with the average respondent having three pangs of guilt per month. On average, Americans consume about six hours of content per day, with Gen Z Americans consuming closer to seven.

In honor of World Mental Health Day, the data split respondents based on their self-reported mental health and found that poor mental health and media consumption appear to have an uncomfortable connection.

Those with “very poor” mental health lose nearly six days per month to content consumption, while 19% of those who say their mental health is “very poor” estimate that they lose 15 or more days per month. In comparison, those with excellent and good mental health lose the fewest days (2.7).

This also aligned with feelings of guilt. Those with "very poor” mental health feel guilty most often — roughly seven times per month. Nearly half of those polled (42%) admit they feel like they consume “too much” media, and 36% say their mood is “often” negatively affected by something they see on social media.

Gen Z Americans were the most likely to feel like they consumed too much media, with 66% agreeing with that sentiment. Interestingly, those with “very poor” mental health were also found to be the most likely to use TikTok regularly (38%) and the most likely to report being “very likely” to be on their phone while watching something on television (46%).

Dr. Sham Singh, a Harbor UCLA-trained psychiatrist at Winit Clinic, offered three helpful tips for managing screen time to alleviate feelings of guilt.

Implement a “Tech-Free” Zone. “Creating designated areas where technology is off-limits in your home can significantly impact your daily habits,” Singh says in a statement. “For instance, by making your bedroom a tech-free zone, you promote better sleep hygiene and relaxation, free from the distractions of notifications and screens. Similarly, establishing a tech-free dining room encourages meaningful conversations and family bonding during meals. These intentional spaces reduce screen time, foster healthier interactions, or enjoy quiet moments.”

Set Phone-Free Intentions: “Before you reach for your phone, I advise you to take a moment to set a clear intention for its use,” says Singh. “Ask yourself what you need to accomplish—whether it’s checking messages, researching a topic, or responding to an email. This practice encourages a more mindful approach to technology, helping you avoid the trap of mindless scrolling. Having a defined purpose lets you stay focused on your task and minimize the likelihood of getting sidetracked by social media or other distractions.”

Reflect on Content Consumption: “Keeping a journal of your experiences with various types of content can be an enlightening practice,” Singh suggests. “After consuming media—be it social media, news articles, or videos—take a moment to jot down your feelings and thoughts. Did you feel inspired, informed, or drained? This reflection helps you discern which content enriches your life and which might feel like a timewaster. Over time, you’ll develop a clearer picture of your media consumption patterns, enabling you to make more informed choices about what to engage with in the future.”

The UN’s DARK Agenda: What You’re Not Being Told About Agenda 2030


In this video, Bev dives into the UN’s Summit for the Future and the true intentions behind their Pact for the Future and Agenda 2030. On the surface, it’s all about sustainability, global cooperation, and protecting future generations. But what if there’s a darker side? From digital governance to global control, Bev explores how these initiatives could reshape our world – and not for the better. Is it really about equality, or is it about control? Watch to find out how this global agenda might impact your freedoms, privacy, and way of life.

Biden's Hollow Warnings to China Are Leading to War




The world's two most dangerous states, Xi Jinping's People's Republic of China and Vladimir Putin's Russian Federation, have been growing closer in part, it seems, because they see there is no cost to ignoring the warnings of the Biden administration.


This could very well be the reason there is so
much interest in the Lithium mines in our country. - TBT

Can Biden Declare Martial Law to Suspend the Election?

QUESTION: Marty, you are a constitutional scholar. I heard your father was quite brilliant and defended the Constitution, even going against McCarthy. I would like to hear your legal opinion on the following: Can Biden declare martial law like Zelensky and postpone the election?

Furious Dad DESTROYS Woke School Board Trying to Silence Him


It's disturbing to see someone trying to control his speech. Bravo to the man who stood up against it! People like that need to be held accountable. Parents, consider taking your children out of these schools.

If more fathers challenged these administrators, it could make a real difference. That man is a true hero—thank you!

Every tax-paying citizen should be outraged that someone like her is making $250,000 of our hard-earned money. This kind of misuse needs to stop.

Waybackmachine has returned from being down for several days but *some things* appear to have been memoryholed

We all know which party is obsessed with censorship and “misinformation”

Tim Walz: “There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech and especially around our democracy”

— Matt Wolking (@MattWolking) August 7, 2024


Terrorist group Al Qaeda calls on Hamas to free all Israeli hostages.

An adviser to Al-Qaeda's likely current leader is calling for Hamas to release its Israeli hostages held in Gaza, according to an American jihadist monitoring organization, SITE. The online declaration was made Friday by Mustafa Hamid, also known as Abu Walid al-Masri, who is father-in-law to Saif al-Adel, the man widely believed to now head Al-Qaeda, according to SITE.

Spooked by Inflation, Americans Slash Halloween Spending

According to a survey, 59% of Halloween spenders plan to cut back on purchases due to tighter budgets caused by inflation.

Amazon investing more than half a billion dollars to build small modular nuclear reactors to power its AWS computing centers

Big Tech is going nuclear as the next phase of the global takeover of commerce and life itself with artificial intelligence (AI).

Iran sitting on secret weapon more powerful than nukes, general claims

Iranian Brigadier Gen. Ebrahim Rostami has come forward to claim that Iran currently has in its arsenal weapons that are "superior" to any of the nuclear bombs currently held by Western power brokers. Rostami made this claim after Iranian lawmakers were called on to review the country's non-nuclear military doctrine to remove the ban on developing nuclear weapons amid ongoing threats from Israel about a military strike.

WHO used National Focal Points to push global pandemic narrative

The entire world has never agreed to do the same thing all at once, ever. For the first time, we saw the entire globe spread fear-based marketing to drive global genetic vaccination, achieving about two-thirds of all human beings injected with unsafe, ineffective COVID-19 vaccines. In the book Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Biopharmaceutical Complex, this important new syndicate is defined. The Complex has the WHO as its global coordinating center. This explains why the pandemic response is so perfectly coordinated all over the world. It seemed like everyone all over the globe fell into lockstep all at once.



Scientists want to spray millions of tonnes of DIAMONDS into the atmosphere to slow global warming - but there's huge catch

However, in news that will come as no surprise, this would come at a hefty cost. The researchers predict that such a project would cost nearly $200 trillion (£153 trillion) over the remainder of this century.



Trump Exposes Lyin Kamala in Scathing Message Claims McDonalds Confirms Definitively No Record of Kamala Ever Working in the Company

In yet another fiery swipe at Kamala Harris, President Trump is accusing her of fabricating a story about working at McDonald’s when she was a student and claims to have confirmation from the fast-food giant itself that there is no record of her ever working there.



Elon Musk Blasts Dishonest MI SOS For Having More Registered Voters on Voter Rolls Than Eligible Voters: Shame on you for blatantly lying to the public!

To date, Michigan’s Soros-funded SOS Jocelyn Benson has lost 10 election-related lawsuits, in which the plaintiffs sued her for intentionally weakening the state’s election security.



King Charles Heckled by Far-Left Australian Senator: You Are Not My King! (VIDEO)

King Charles may still be the sovereign head of the Australia, but that did not stop one far-left politician from making her feelings known.



Plane With Pro-Trump Banner Flies Over Florida Taylor Swift Concert Ready for It, Cat Lady?

An airplane with a pro-Trump banner flew over Taylor Swift’s concert at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens in Florida on Saturday.




Speaker Johnson: Intel Leak from Biden-Harris Admin Against Israel Very Concerning

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) over the weekend said the classified intelligence leak against Israel from inside the Biden-Harris administration was “very concerning.”



FOOD Prices Rebound Can Stir Inflation UP And Mess The FED's Plans

Food prices have been declining for the last 12 months and lowering inflation. But, if food prices turn, that could significantly impact all economic factors related to inflation, like the FED's lowering interest rates plan. We check the food price charts and see that food prices could mix up a lot of plan in the coming 12 to 24 months.

The Danger Is Real: The Deep States Plot to Destabilize the Nation Is Working

If the three-ring circus that is the looming presidential election proves anything, it is that the Deep State’s plot to destabilize the nation is working. The danger is real. Caught up in the heavily dramatized electoral showdown between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, Americans have become oblivious to the multitude of ways in which the government is goosestepping all over our freedoms on a daily basis.

Two Illegal Tren De Aragua Gang Members Arrested in Connection with Connecticut Murder: Police

Authorities in New York arrested a pair of illegal Venezuelan migrants with alleged gang ties in connection to the murder of a 59-year-old man.

Kamala Ripped for Agreeing with Far-Left Protester About Genocide in Gaza


Vice President Kamala Harris agreed with a far-left protester late last week who falsely claimed that Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza is a “genocide.”


Inside Leonard Leos Plan for Conservatives to Crush Liberal Dominance


American lawyer and conservative legal activist Leonard Leo wants the conservative movement to become as “impactful and effective as possible.”And he plans to do this by financially backing conservative groups that are focused on more than just ideas and policy, but on“operationalizing and weaponizing” those ideas to “crush liberal dominance at the choke points of influence and power.”

Elon Musk Hands Man $1 Million Check At Town Hall, Says It Will Happen Every Day Until Election


Billionaire Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk announced during a town hall in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, that he will be giving away $1 million each day to a randomly-selected person in the state who has signed the America PAC petition.

Governor Youngkin: Trump Is Surging Because He Cares About What Voters Care About


Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin said over the weekend that former President Donald Trump was surging in the polls because he cares about the issues that matter the most to voters.

‘You Can Leave, But You Can’t Cancel Me’ – Financial Expert Says Who He’s Voting for, and It May Shake Up the Election


Financial expert Dave Ramsey has made it clear to his audience who his choice is for president.


In a clip from “The Dave Ramsey Show” posted to the show’s YouTube account on Wednesday, Ramsey spoke to his audience about the upcoming election. While the show is usually about achieving financial freedom, politics play heavily into those considerations as millions of Americans’ bank accounts are feeling the weight of President Joe Biden’s and Vice President Kamala Harris’ reckless inflationary spending.

Ramsey told his audience outright, “I’m gonna tell you, I’m voting for Donald Trump.”


JUST IN: Dave Ramsey says he is voting for Donald Trump and says he doesn’t care if people stop listening to his show.

Ramsey told his ~15+ million weekly users he was voting for Trump and said they couldn’t cancel him because he owns the show.

“I’m gonna tell you, I’m voting…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) October 18, 2024


He followed the statement with a clarification that its, “not because I’m voting forDonald Trump,” saying its, “because I check those boxes and more of those are on that side than on the other side.”

The “boxes” Ramsey is referring to here can be found in the same clip posted by commentator Colin Rugg. These are the key issues for Ramsey when making his decision.

“Where am I most likely going to get a tax policy I like? An immigration policy I like? A foreign policy I like? Where am I most likely to get a gun policy I like? A climate change policy I like? A woke policy I like, that I agree with? Where am I most likely to get that?” he asked his listeners.

Ramsey said he, “can check those boxes very clearly, quickly on these two candidates.”


He did address the divisiveness of the statement. “Some of you are never gonna listen to me again after this. That’s ok. I can deal with that. That’s happened to me for thirty years.”


However, Ramsey held strong and pointed to his ownership of the show, stating, “You can leave, but you can’t cancel me.”


It should be a major indicator to anyone who is undecided in who they should vote for if the money guy is going for Trump.


As previously stated, Ramsey’s advice concerns financial freedom, retirement, and a litany of other topics regarding – broadly speaking – money.


After Harris went on “The View” earlier this month and told viewers, “There is not a thing that comes to mind” that she would have done differently since taking office along with Biden, we can expect the same disastrous economic policies to continue should she be elected.


While Ramsey’s position drives home the need for Americans to have a second Trump term for the sake of our wallets, the beauty of the economy is that we don’t even need him to tell us – we all spend money.


You don’t need the expertise of Ramsey to tell you Trump is the right choice; look at the economy around you.

Aaron Kaufman, who directed the documentary Superpower about the war in Ukraine alongside Sean Penn and was a longtime producing partner of Robert Rodriguez, has died. He was 51.



Kaufman died Thursday in Las Vegas, Verdi Productions President Chad Verdi told The Hollywood Reporter on Sunday. Reports indicated that Kaufman died of an apparent heart attack.


“It’s a very sad time for everyone who loved Aaron,” Verdi wrote in an email to THR. “Aaron passed away Thursday night. He and I spoke by phone about 20 minutes prior to 911 being called. He was in great spirits and was headed to dinner. Life is short and family and friends are everything. I miss him a lot already.”


Kaufman may be best known for the Emmy-nominated documentary, but he also wrote, directed and produced several films, including Machete, Machete Kills, Urge and Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. He also executive produced The Greatest, Powder Blue, Spread, 13 Chef and Flock of Dudes.


Before Superpower, Kaufman also produced and directed Crusaders: Ex Jehovah’s Witnesses Speak Out, which blew the whistle on the religious group’s alleged protecting of thousands of admitted pedophiles worldwide.


While Penn became the face of their documentary, Kaufman was the director on the ground when the war began in February 2022, after being in Kyiv in the weeks following Russia’s invasion. The project was originally meant to shine a light on President Volodymyr Zelensky and tell a “whimsical tale of a comic actor turned president.” But, when the invasion happened, the film’s subject changed radically.


Kentucky Man Declared Brain Dead Wakes Up During Organ Harvesting Operation, Opened Eyes and Started Visibly Crying


A Kentucky man who was declared brain-dead woke up as surgeons were in the middle of harvesting his organs.

Jake Tapper Says Arab American PAC Refusing to Endorse Harris May Help Trump (VIDEO)


CNN’s Jake Tapper reports that the Arab American PAC’s refusal to endorse a candidate may help former President Donald Trump in the upcoming election.


WATCH: Bernie Sanders Ducks Question About Swing State Democrats Ditching Harris and Tying Themselves to Trump, Responds With Weird Free Healthcare and Corporate Greed Tirade


Bernie Sanders joined CNN’s State of The Union on Sunday, where he was asked if he thinks it’s a bad sign for Harris that Democrats are ditching the Harris campaign to save their reelection.

Wait A Minute... You PLANNED the PANDEMIC?



Is Obama admitting the pandemic was all pre-planned?


The 2024 election is tough for many people on the left, but perhaps no one more than Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC’s Morning Joe.


MSNBC’s Brzezinski: Fox News Is Covering Up Trump’s ‘Clear Fascism’


MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski said Friday on “Morning Joe” that Fox News was covering up former President Donald Trump’s “clear fascism.”


Brzezinski said, “This is not a time for jokes, and this is not a time to dance around topics, because this is coming at all of us. Republicans too, your freedoms are at risk too. Don’t know what you’re doing supporting this man right now with what he has said. But there are efforts to sidestep, dance around things that he’s saying that are clear fascism. Let’s start with this. I mentioned Donald Trump being on “Fox & Friends.” Here’s, again, his connection with Fox News, which had to pay $787 million for lying, helping him out. Here’s what he said about the jokes, I guess, they gave him. Take a listen.”…


Brzezinski said, “So in his little safe space there at Fox, he’s surrounded by his friends and pretty much is allowed to do whatever he wants even if it’s defame somebody, maybe malign somebody, maybe put somebody in danger. I want to talk about not just Donald Trump’s threats, but the media entities like Fox News that bend to his will. That Fox News interview with Kamala Harris, it revealed so much.”

Kievs Nuclear Blackmail: Ukraine May Be Considering Deploying a Dirty Bomb

To Escalate the War and Drag NATO Into WW3


The most absurd development of recent days in the war in Ukraine was the threat – against the western nations – by President Volodymyr Zelensky that ‘either Kiev is seated on NATO once and for all, or they’ll get nuclear weapons’.

WATCH: North Carolina Gubernatorial Candidate Mark Robinson Files Lawsuit Against CNN


North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson, who is the Republican gubernatorial nominee, has filed a lawsuit against CNN over the network’s “black Nazi hit piece.”


Gutfeld: Harris should stay out of the bars, before she talks stars


With three weeks to go in the race, Harris seems to have lost herself in space. Maybe she should steer clear of the bar before talking about the stars. In a recent interview, she responded to a question about crime with a rather astronomical analogy.

"When you look at the stars in the sky, don't see them as just random things," she said. "But as points in a constellation, and what they show you."

She seemed to be trying to make a point, but it left many scratching their heads. "Stars may seem random, but together they form a picture," she added.

It was the kind of comment that might make you wonder if she was gazing a little too hard at the night sky. "I looked up last night," she concluded, "and took a picture of a really interesting constellation."

I Built a Trump Gas Station and Charged $1.84 Per Gallon | What Happened Next is INSANE...






I built a Trump gas station in the heart of a blue city's downtown. The reactions were INSANE.

Trump serving fries at McDonald's






Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump are rallying voters in key battleground states.

Thousands Of Israelis 'Occupy' Streets Of Tel Aviv, Demand Netanyhau's Resignation, Hostage Deal




Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Tel Aviv on Saturday demanding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sign a deal to release the Israeli hostages still held in Gaza or resign. Many in Israel have grown tired of so many wars that Netanyahu has started. Protesters say Israel's wars are only in Netanyhau's own interests. Watch.

Dan Bongino sends SH0CKWAVE to Kamala with DEBUNK for her DIRTY ‘early voting’ LIES


All right, fellas, let’s get this show on the road. We’re at the most crucial part right now, and I know I don’t need to remind you to pay attention—it sounds condescending and ridiculous. But just in case you’re distracted, unless you’re handling small children, sharp objects, or heavy machinery, I need you to stop what you’re doing and focus.

There are still some people out there—though the numbers are small—who have concerns. I get it. Folks have told me, Justin, Michael, and G, "Stop telling people to vote early. It’s a big mistake." Really? Well, I’ve made my case time and time again, and now it’s clearer than ever. Donald Trump, Scott Presler, and just about every key Republican, conservative, and MAGA activist you trust are saying, “Please, vote early.” 

After yesterday, do you see now why I’ve been telling you this all along?

Germany FINALLY Begins Mass Deportations - Millions of Immigrants


After the Second World War, Germany became an immigration haven but all that is about to change. The pending political revolution spearheaded by the AFD is on a pathway to change Germany and immigration is the first agenda on their change list. What is behind the radical shift in the immigration issue in Germany?

What is going to happen to the millions of immigrants that call Germany home? Promises of mass deportation have been echoing from Berlin to Potsdam. In this video, we look at why the news is sending shockwaves around the world and most importantly we look at what the shift means for Germany going forward.

A Call for Kamala Harris to Pledge Allegiance: A Reflection on Leadership and Morality


I propose an idea that resonates with the symbolism and importance of national unity: Let’s have Vice President Kamala Harris publicly pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. I want to see how she delivers it, and more importantly, the manner in which she says it. At a time when our nation is facing unprecedented challenges, the way our leaders present themselves matters more than ever.


In my 64 years of life, I have never seen our country in such a state of despair. We are witnessing not only the decline of the United States but also the crumbling of parts of the world into darkness. And yet, it seems that those who follow Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party are, almost publicly, celebrating.


Where are the ethics and moral standards that should be upheld in the highest offices of our nation?


Kamala Harris, known for her cackling laughter and evasiveness when confronted with the pressing questions on the minds of America’s citizens, seems to embody the disconnect between leadership and the people. Citizens expect accountability, strength, and integrity from their leaders—traits that are becoming increasingly rare in our political landscape.


The significance of the Pledge of Allegiance, particularly its historical context, adds weight to this call. In 1954, during a time of fear and uncertainty amid the Communist threat, President Eisenhower urged Congress to add the words “under God” to the pledge, emphasizing our nation's spiritual foundation and unity. The pledge, as it stands today, is a reminder of the values that bind us as a nation:


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


The Pledge of Allegiance is not just a ritual—it’s a statement of commitment to the ideals upon which our nation was built. Section 4 of the U.S. Flag Code outlines the proper way to render the pledge:

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: 'I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,' should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform, men should remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the flag, and render the military salute."


This pledge represents a collective commitment to the republic and its values, a promise of liberty and justice for all. It is a simple yet profound act that unites us across divides, reminding us of the principles we are meant to uphold.


The real question now is: Can Kamala Harris, as the Vice President of the United States, say these words with sincerity? Can she embody the responsibility of leadership and demonstrate her dedication to the republic, the people, and the ideals of liberty and justice?


At a time when the nation needs reassurance, the way in which she delivers this pledge could provide insight into the type of leadership she offers. Will it be the laughter and deflection we’ve grown accustomed to, or will it be a moment of solemn respect for the values that the flag represents?


The nation deserves to know.

Migrant Gangs Leave NYC… To Destroy New Jersey



Recent reports indicate that gang related crime is up in 8 states, one of which is New Jersey, which just so happens to be next door to America's largest sanctuary city, New York. Over the last year NYC has seen high numbers of asylum seekers arrive, however not all of those who claim to be seeking asylum actually are... instead a small number of people have come here looking for something else.

NOAA predicting warmer than average winter




The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration published its winter outlook for this coming December, January and February. Experts anticipate warmer-than-average temperatures for much of the country. CBS News Sacramento meteorologist Tracy Humphrey joins to discuss.

It Has Begun - 2024 WARNING!




This isn’t the end of the war in Gaza—it’s the beginning of the end.

How did things go so wrong? It’s a legitimate question: how did we end up here?

Enough is enough. Since the start of the conflict, it's been clear—this is not resistance.

Something you may not know about the DC 'crash site chaos'




I searched the internet in every way I could think of but found absolutely nothing about that crash. It's only through private citizens, their videos, and independent reports online that we even know it happened. It really makes me wonder—what's going on in the skies above?

Muslims LEAVING Islam in Record Numbers – Secret FOOTAGE Revealed!





Discover the hidden truth behind why Muslims are leaving Islam in record numbers. Learn about shocking secrets from Iran and how Muslim women are turning to Christianity in the Islamic world.

Proof, DNA contamination report



A warm welcome to this talk. I've just wrapped up a lengthy video call with Dr. David Speaker, the renowned Canadian virologist and analytical scientist. In this session, I’ll be giving you a quick overview of the main findings from our discussion. If you’re interested in all the finer details and nuance, you can watch the full video afterward. But for now, here’s a brief rundown of what we covered.

🚨BREAKING: Obama's Hot Mic Moment Exposed! What He Said About Kamala

Will Make Your Jaw Drop!


In a shocking turn of events that has left the Democratic Party reeling, the latest segment of Next News Network's RAW FEED, hosted by the indomitable Gary Franchi, exposes the full-blown panic gripping the left. As Trump surges ahead in all seven swing states, the blue team is cracking faster than an egg on a hot sidewalk.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg, folks. Kamala Harris, in an unprecedented move, has become the first presidential candidate since Walter Mondale to skip the Al Smith dinner. Is she afraid of a little friendly roasting, or is there something deeper at play? 

This charity event, a longstanding tradition that brings together presidential candidates to support disadvantaged children, has been snubbed by the very woman who claims to champion the underprivileged.

ALERT! Biden & Harris Authorize Military to Use Lethal Force on Americans!!






@GunsGadgets --


DoDD 5240.01

I have been looking through google and other search engines...

There is nothing about a plane crash. - TBT


This better be for the removal of illegal aliens.


If this is true it goes against our constitution.

Our armies and our military are not supposed to attack our own people on our own soil.

Judge Joe Brown Destroys Heels Up Harris Over "Casting Couch" in Explicit Character Demolition





You can vote for a whore and world war or you can vote for peace and affordable groceries.


Vote Trump!

Israelis Are Selling Stolen Palestinian Land To Americans


“Everything you love about America, right here in Israel.”

While Israel decimates Palestinians in Gaza, real estate firms are touring the U.S. looking for buyers to purchase property in Israel and in illegal West Bank settlements.

Expo organizers say these events are open to the public, but sources we spoke with said they were given a “rabbi test” and denied entrance.

AJ+ traveled to the town of Teaneck, New Jersey, where a modern Orthodox Jewish community is confronting pro-Palestinian protesters who want an end to Israel’s war on Gaza and to these Israeli real estate conventions.

Meanwhile, residents told us that town council members are using their power and relationships with high-profile politicians to smear pro-Palestinian voices and give political cover to these real estate events – which could violate local and federal discrimination laws.

These dueling dynamics have turned small communities like Teaneck, NJ, into a powder keg of hostility.


AJ+ reporter Angie Nassar traveled to Teaneck to find out how folks are turning up for Palestinians and rejecting allegations of antisemitism for criticizing Israel.

Biden-Harris Administration Blasted Over Maintaining Ukraine's Power

While US Faces Outages


The Biden-Harris administration is under fire after USAID administrator Samantha Power shared a video from Ukraine, where the US is working to keep the lights on. Meanwhile, over 700,000 Americans remain without power following the destruction caused by Hurricane Helene, raising concerns about the administration’s priorities.

Power’s video highlighted US efforts to replace damaged transformers in Ukraine and ensure that Ukrainians have power this winter. “Thanks to the support of the American people, USAID is working with Ukrainians to keep the lights on and the heat going,” Power said.

The video was met with backlash, especially from Americans still waiting for power restoration. One woman, watching the video in her powerless home, remarked, “So you’re making sure Ukraine’s lights stay on while we sit in the dark.”

Former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell criticized the administration for neglecting Americans. “Some Americans still don’t have power from Helene. Meanwhile, Samantha Power is doing videos in Ukraine proudly giving away tens of millions of US tax dollars,” he said.

North Carolina Removes 747,000 Ineligible Voters From Rolls As Race In Battleground State Heats Up


Over the past 20 months, North Carolina’s State Board of Elections has removed 747,000 individuals from its voter registration rolls, citing ineligibility as the primary reason. Officials explained that many of those removed had moved without updating their address or had not voted in the last two federal elections, resulting in an inactive status.

The timing of this purge is significant, as North Carolina is expected to be a crucial battleground in the 2024 presidential race between President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. In addition, the state’s gubernatorial race between Republican Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson and Democrat Attorney General Josh Stein is shaping up to be highly competitive.

Republicans had previously filed lawsuits accusing the state of neglecting to remove ineligible voters from the rolls, and the recent purge is being seen as a direct result of those efforts. However, Democrats have criticized the move, accusing Republicans of seeking to suppress votes in fear of losing the state.

Rep. Chip Roy Demands Preservation of Aborted Babies Remains in DC Investigation


Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) is demanding that Washington, D.C., officials, including Attorney General Merrick Garland, preserve the remains of five aborted babies discovered at a D.C. abortion clinic as part of an ongoing investigation. The babies, referred to as the “DC Five,” were found in 2022 at the Washington Surgi-Clinic, a facility known for performing late-term abortions. Roy believes the babies’ deaths may have violated federal abortion laws, including the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act.

In a letter sent to Garland, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, and Metropolitan Police Chief Pamela Smith, Roy condemned the lack of action and transparency from D.C. authorities. He first raised the issue in February, requesting confirmation that the remains would not be destroyed, but D.C. officials have yet to respond.

“These children deserve justice,” Roy wrote, urging D.C. authorities to preserve the remains as evidence for future investigations. Without the remains, Roy warned, it would be nearly impossible to determine if federal laws were broken.

The “Deep State” Explained


Trump was Right, the Deep State is Real

With all the allegations about a group of unelected men making decisions that impact the rest of the country, we wanted to dig into the documents and talk to experts to find the truth. Is there a Deep State? And if so, how deep does it go?

Report: Israel Plans to Strike Iran Before US Presidential Election


Israel is planning to launch its expected attack on Iran before the US presidential elections are held on November 5, The Washington Post reported on Monday.

An unnamed official told the Post that waiting any longer could be perceived as weakness and that the planned strike “will be one in a series of responses” to the Iranian ballistic missile barrage that was fired at Israel on October 1, which came in response to a series of Israeli escalations.

A source close to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the Post that while Israel was coordinating with the US to some extent on its plans to attack Iran, it wouldn’t wait for a green light from the US. “The person who will decide on the Israeli response to Iran will be [Netanyahu],” the official said.

The report said that when Netanyahu spoke with President Biden last week, he said that Israel planned to hit military infrastructure inside Iran, not oil or nuclear facilities. The conversation was a factor in Biden’s decision to deploy a Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile battery to Israel.



Iran Says It Halted Indirect Talks with the US in Oman


Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi said Monday that Iran had halted indirect talks with the US via Omani mediators amid anticipation of a US-supported Israeli attack on Iranian territory.

“Currently, we do not see any ground for these talks, until we can get past the current crisis,” Araghchi said during a visit to Oman, according to Iran’s PressTV.

When asked if he had sent any messages to the US while visiting Oman, Araghchi said, “During the trip, no message has been sent to other countries.”

Earlier this year, Axios reported that the US and Iran held indirect talks in Oman to avoid regional escalations. “Oman has always contributed greatly to solving the regional problems, and regarding Iran and the US, it has always tried to play a positive role in conveying a message or preparing the ground for negotiations,” Araghchi said.

Do They Want American Troops to Die?


Biden Administration mismanagement – or worse – from day one of the latest Israeli multi-front war in the Middle East has led us to where we are today, at the brink of an all-out regional war with some 40,000 US troops and multiple US military bases in the region with targets on their back.

Biden’s blank check to Israel after the attacks of October 7, 2023, to launch multiple wars against its neighbors and carry out the mass murder of Palestinian civilians in Gaza has drawn the US right into the middle of a bubbling cauldron of WWIII. And rather than take a sober look at actual US national security interests, Biden and his neocon incompetents are busy adding fuel to the fire hanging on to the pipe dream that they could do what they failed to do so many times before: remake the Middle East in their neocon image.

According to an article in Politico this past week, while Biden Administration officials publicly urged restraint and a reduction in violence, they privately were working with the Israeli government to encourage a widening of Israel’s military operations to include its northern neighbor, Lebanon. Two top Biden Administration officials, Amos Hochstein and Brett McGurk, urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to shift Israel’s military focus from the already-flattened Gaza northward to Lebanon.

Dishonest Democrat Tries To CENSOR & SLANDER Robert F. Kennedy Jr.




....BAD IDEA!!!

@Mygardenspace -- That woman is rude and disgustingly obnoxious. How dare she speak that way to Mr. Kennedy. Get rid of her and stop voting for these things.



And she is obviously uneducated.

I'm sorry, this has gone too far! (CROWD LOSES IT!)

I invite criticism to what was offered by google research...

 Google of course being deliberately biased to the current administration. Also, believe what your eyes and bank account has seen in difference, and what the current administration has been doing to our country.

Here’s a comparison of key accomplishments between the Trump presidency (2017–2021) and the Biden presidency (2021–present), highlighting their contrasting approaches and focus areas:

### **1. Economy and Jobs**

- **Trump Presidency:**

- **Tax Cuts:** The **Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017** was a hallmark of Trump’s economic policy, reducing corporate taxes from 35% to 21%, along with significant cuts for individuals. Supporters argue this fueled economic growth, while critics say it disproportionately benefited the wealthy.

- **Deregulation:** Trump aggressively rolled back regulations, particularly in the energy and financial sectors, aiming to spur business growth and job creation. This included loosening environmental protections and business regulations.

- **Unemployment:** Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. unemployment rate dropped to a 50-year low of 3.5%. Trump highlighted this as a sign of economic success, particularly in minority communities, where unemployment also hit record lows.

- **Trade Wars:** Trump imposed tariffs on China and renegotiated trade deals like the **USMCA** (replacing NAFTA). Critics argue these policies harmed some industries like agriculture, while supporters believe they brought long-needed attention to trade imbalances.

- **Biden Presidency:**

- **COVID-19 Recovery:** Biden's early presidency focused on pandemic recovery, with the **American Rescue Plan Act** injecting (STIMULAS) $1.9 trillion into the economy through direct payments to Americans, extended unemployment benefits, and aid to small businesses.

- **Infrastructure:** The **Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act** (2021), a bipartisan $1.2 trillion package, aims to modernize U.S. infrastructure, including roads, bridges, broadband, and water systems.

- **Job Creation:** Under Biden, the U.S. saw strong job growth as the economy rebounded from the pandemic. By mid-2023, more than **13 million jobs** had been added since he took office, though many argue this was largely a recovery from pandemic-related job losses.

- **Inflation:** The U.S. has experienced high inflation during Biden's presidency, partly due to supply chain issues, pandemic recovery, and the war in Ukraine. The administration introduced the **Inflation Reduction Act** in 2022, which includes provisions for lowering prescription drug costs, combating climate change, and taxing corporations, but its impact on inflation has been debated.

### **2. Healthcare**

- **Trump Presidency:**

- **Attempts to Repeal the ACA:** Trump’s administration made multiple attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as "Obamacare." While the full repeal failed, Trump succeeded in removing the individual mandate, which penalized people who didn’t have health insurance.

- **Healthcare Deregulation:** Trump’s focus was on deregulating aspects of healthcare to promote competition, including allowing states more flexibility in managing Medicaid.

- **Biden Presidency:**

- **Strengthening the ACA:** Biden expanded access to the ACA by increasing subsidies to help lower-income Americans afford health insurance. The American Rescue Plan also provided additional funding to strengthen Medicaid and lower the cost of healthcare.

- **Prescription Drug Reform:** The **Inflation Reduction Act** allows Medicare to negotiate drug prices for the first time, a significant change aimed at lowering costs for seniors.

### **3. Foreign Policy**

- **Trump Presidency:**

- **"America First" Policy:** Trump's foreign policy was driven by the **"America First"** doctrine, emphasizing trade protectionism and reducing U.S. involvement in multilateral agreements. He withdrew the U.S. from international accords like the **Paris Climate Agreement** and the **Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA)** and imposed tariffs on allies and adversaries alike.

- **Middle East Peace:** Trump brokered the **Abraham Accords**, normalizing relations between Israel and several Arab nations, including the UAE and Bahrain. He also recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moved the U.S. embassy there.

- **North Korea:** Trump pursued an unprecedented diplomatic approach with North Korea, meeting with Kim Jong-un in an attempt to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, though concrete results were limited.

- **Biden Presidency:**

- **Rejoining Global Agreements:** Biden reentered the **Paris Climate Agreement** and sought to revive the **Iran nuclear deal** (though negotiations have been challenging). His administration has reaffirmed alliances with NATO and the European Union, focusing on multilateral diplomacy.

- **Withdrawal from Afghanistan:** Biden oversaw the complete withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan in 2021, ending a 20-year war. The chaotic withdrawal drew significant criticism, especially following the swift takeover by the Taliban and the evacuation crisis in Kabul.

- **Russia and Ukraine:** Biden has led a strong Western response to **Russia’s invasion of Ukraine**, providing military aid, imposing severe sanctions on Russia, and rallying NATO allies. His administration has framed the conflict as a defense of democracy and rule of law.

### **4. Immigration**

- **Trump Presidency:**

- **Border Wall and Zero Tolerance Policy:** Trump’s administration prioritized building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and adopted a **"zero-tolerance"** immigration policy, which led to the controversial separation of families at the border.

- **Travel Bans:** Trump implemented a series of travel bans on several majority-Muslim countries, which his administration argued was for national security purposes.

- **Biden Presidency:**

- **Reversing Trump-Era Policies:** Biden quickly moved to reverse many of Trump’s immigration policies, including halting the construction of the border wall and ending the **"zero-tolerance"** policy that led to family separations. He also lifted the travel bans imposed by Trump.

- **Border Crisis:** Biden has faced significant challenges at the southern border, with record numbers of migrants attempting to enter the U.S. His administration has been criticized for being too lenient, and immigration remains a politically divisive issue.

### **5. Climate and Energy**

- **Trump Presidency:**

- **Deregulation and Energy Independence:** Trump prioritized deregulation, especially in the energy sector, rolling back environmental protections to boost oil, gas, and coal production. He celebrated the U.S. becoming energy independent during his term and withdrew from the **Paris Climate Agreement**, which he argued unfairly burdened the U.S.

- **Environmental Rollbacks:** The Trump administration loosened regulations on greenhouse gas emissions, endangered species protections, and clean water rules, favoring business and industrial interests.

- **Biden Presidency:**

- **Climate Action:** Biden reentered the Paris Agreement on his first day in office and has prioritized climate change as a central issue. The **Inflation Reduction Act** includes historic investments in renewable energy, clean manufacturing, and electric vehicles, aiming to reduce U.S. carbon emissions.

- **Energy Crisis:** Biden’s presidency has been marked by an energy crisis exacerbated by the war in Ukraine, leading to higher gas prices and debates over energy independence. While promoting renewable energy, his administration has faced pressure to increase oil production to alleviate rising energy costs.

### **6. Social Issues**

- **Trump Presidency:**

- **Supreme Court Appointments:** Trump appointed three conservative justices to the U.S. Supreme Court—**Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh,** and **Amy Coney Barrett**—which shifted the Court’s balance to the right. This has had a lasting impact, including on rulings such as the reversal of **Roe v. Wade**.

- **Law and Order:** Trump positioned himself as a "law and order" president, responding to the 2020 protests and riots with calls for greater police funding and harsher penalties for violent demonstrators.

- **Biden Presidency:**

- **LGBTQ+ Rights:** Biden has restored protections for LGBTQ+ individuals in the military and healthcare, reversing Trump-era policies. His administration also supports federal legislation to protect LGBTQ+ rights, such as the **Equality Act**.

- **Racial Justice and Policing:** Biden has focused on addressing systemic racism and police reform, supporting measures like the **George Floyd Justice in Policing Act**. His administration has allocated funding to address racial disparities in housing, education, and healthcare.

### **Conclusion:**

Both Trump and Biden have had markedly different presidencies, reflecting their distinct political ideologies. Trump's presidency focused on deregulation, economic nationalism, and conservative social policies, while Biden's has been centered on rebuilding after the pandemic, addressing climate change, and restoring U.S. alliances. Each administration's accomplishments resonate differently depending on one's political views, and their long-term impacts on the country are still unfolding.


What Edgar Cayce Predicts for 2024 Shocks Everyone!


Edgar Cayce's prophecies covered a broad range of topics, from earth changes to technological advances, societal shifts, and spiritual evolution. Let’s compare a few of his notable predictions to what has unfolded in our current timeline:


### 1. **Earth Changes and Natural Disasters**
- **Cayce’s Prophecy:** Cayce frequently spoke of significant earth changes, including volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and the shifting of coastlines. He predicted that parts of the United States, specifically areas along the West Coast and parts of the Eastern Seaboard, would undergo dramatic changes, with some areas sinking into the ocean.

- **Current Timeline:** While major disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis have occurred in recent years (e.g., the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, 2010 Haiti earthquake), there hasn't been a catastrophic event along the U.S. coastlines that matches Cayce's dramatic predictions. However, rising sea levels due to climate change and increased flooding in coastal cities suggest that environmental shifts are ongoing, though on a slower timeline than Cayce envisioned.


### 2. **Rise of China and World Power Shifts**
- **Cayce’s Prophecy:** Cayce predicted that China would become a significant global power and described it as a "hope of the world." He implied that China would bring a new spiritual and cultural wave, possibly influencing a global shift toward peace and unity.

- **Current Timeline:** China has indeed risen as a major global power, especially in the economic and political arenas. Over the past few decades, China has become the world’s second-largest economy and has expanded its influence globally. While this prediction aligns with China’s growing power, the spiritual or cultural "hope" that Cayce foresaw hasn’t manifested in the way he described. Instead, China’s rise has brought about both cooperation and tensions with the West.


### 3. **Advancements in Medicine**
- **Cayce’s Prophecy:** Cayce predicted significant advancements in healthcare, including the use of light, sound, and electrotherapy to cure diseases. He also foresaw breakthroughs in treating arthritis, cancer, and other debilitating conditions.

- **Current Timeline:** Many modern treatments align with Cayce’s vision of alternative healing methods. For example, **laser therapy** (light), **ultrasound therapy** (sound), and **electrotherapy** are all used in current medical practices. In addition, ongoing research into immunotherapy and gene editing (CRISPR) is pushing the boundaries of cancer treatment, though a definitive "cure" has not been realized yet. His predictions about the future of medicine seem to resonate with today’s medical innovations.


### 4. **Polar Shifts and Climate Change**
- **Cayce’s Prophecy:** Cayce predicted that there would be a shift in the Earth’s magnetic poles, leading to significant climate and environmental changes. This shift would disrupt global weather patterns, causing floods, droughts, and other extreme conditions.

- **Current Timeline:** While a dramatic pole shift as Cayce described has not occurred, scientists have observed that the magnetic North Pole has been moving at an accelerated rate. Additionally, global climate change is now an undeniable reality, with increased occurrences of extreme weather events, floods, droughts, and shifting climate zones—partially aligning with Cayce’s prophecy.


### 5. **Spiritual Awakening**
- **Cayce’s Prophecy:** Cayce believed humanity would enter a period of great spiritual awakening, where people would become more attuned to their spiritual selves, leading to greater compassion, understanding, and unity. He foresaw a future where a "New Age" of enlightenment would emerge around the late 20th or early 21st century.

- **Current Timeline:** The late 20th century and early 21st century have indeed seen a rise in interest in spirituality, holistic health, mindfulness, and alternative religious practices. The "New Age" movement, popular in the 1970s and 1980s, and today’s focus on mental health, mindfulness, and wellness are somewhat reflective of Cayce’s vision. However, the global spiritual unity and enlightenment he envisioned remain fragmented, as the world still grapples with division, conflict, and materialism.


### 6. **Technological Advances**
- **Cayce’s Prophecy:** Cayce foresaw significant technological advancements, predicting that wireless technology would revolutionize the world. He also mentioned innovations in transportation, such as "flying machines" that could travel globally in a matter of hours.

- **Current Timeline:** Wireless technology has indeed transformed communication, with the internet, smartphones, and global connectivity aligning with Cayce’s vision. Additionally, advancements in aviation and space exploration, such as **supersonic jets** and the development of commercial space travel (e.g., SpaceX, Blue Origin), have brought us closer to a future where rapid global travel is a reality. His predictions about technological progress seem remarkably in line with our current trajectory.


While some of Edgar Cayce’s prophecies have not fully materialized, many align with the broader trends we see today, especially in terms of technological progress, environmental shifts, and the rising influence of global powers like China. Some of his predictions, particularly around spiritual awakening and climate change, reflect ongoing global transformations, though perhaps not at the scale or speed Cayce anticipated.

Walz: Voters Do Not Need To Be Concerned With Difference Between Biden, Harris


 Minnesota Governor Tim Walz said during an interview this week that voters do not need to worry themselves about what the difference is in terms of policy between President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Activist Scott Presler Reveals Two Stats That Make Him Think Trump Will Win Pennsylvania


Conservative activist Scott Presler revealed during an interview with Morning Wire why he believes former President Donald Trump will win the vital battleground state of Pennsylvania in the 2024 election.

🚨BREAKING🚨: Obama's Black Voter Plea BACKFIRES So Hard Even Dems Are Cringing



Ladies and gentlemen, buckle up because what you're about to hear will shake the very foundations of American politics. On the latest episode of Next News Network's RAW FEED, host Gary Franchi dives deep into a political earthquake that's sending aftershocks through the Democratic Party. Barack Obama, once the golden boy of the left, is watching his legacy crumble before his eyes as black voters, especially men, are fleeing the Democratic plantation in droves.


You heard that right, folks. The man who sailed into the White House on a wave of hope and change is now desperately trying to stem the tide of black voters jumping ship to the Trump train. But here's the kicker - his efforts are backfiring spectacularly.

Georgia GOP Chairman Josh McKoon dropped a bombshell, revealing that black voters are flocking to Trump in numbers he's never seen before. We're talking about a potential 20% of the black vote going to Trump in Georgia alone. That's not just a crack in the Democratic firewall; it's a full-blown breach.

But it gets even juicier. Remember Wisconsin, that crucial battleground state? Well, it's seen the largest drop in black voter turnout in the entire country. We're talking a plummet from 78.5% in 2012 to a measly 43.5% in 2020. The Democrats' chances of winning Wisconsin may rest on reversing this trend, but spoiler alert - it's not looking good for them.

Huge Geostorm Reveals Bizarre Secret Symbols in the Night Sky


NEW photos are surfacing of mysterious activity in the sky during the recent geomagnetic storm.

This is not normal. Are they always there?

Plus, absolutely gorgeous Aroras from the geomagnetic storm!

5 Counties Go ‘Constitutional’: Join Growing Move to Protect 2nd Amendment


For quite some time now, two competing trends have emerged in the U.S. On one hand, at both the federal and many state levels, there has been a push towards greater centralization, with more layers of bureaucracy, red tape, and attempts to erode the Second Amendment. On the other hand, at the local level, numerous municipalities across the country are moving in the opposite direction. Many have declared themselves either "constitutional sanctuaries" or "Second Amendment sanctuaries," ensuring that any attempt to infringe on their citizens' constitutional rights will be treated as criminal activity—even if it’s done by federal or state officials.

A recent example of this occurred in Indian River County, Florida, a conservative-leaning area on the eastern side of the state. 

Just a week ago, lawmakers there unanimously voted to join this movement, officially declaring the county a "constitutional sanctuary." In practice, this means they will protect the rights enshrined in both the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, stating their firm resolve to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.

🚨BREAKING🚨: Trump Goes Full James Bond with Decoy Planes and the Left Is Losing Their Minds



Now, you might be asking yourself, why all the secrecy? Well, folks, that's where things get really interesting. Remember those rumors about missiles being smuggled across the border to take down Trump Force One? It looks like the Donald's taking no chances. He's traveling with multiple decoy planes, sometimes ditching the iconic Trump jet for nondescript aircraft. It's a security upgrade so intense, even his own team is struggling to keep up.

🚨BREAKING🚨: Dems Whisper 'Civil War' If Trump Wins And The GOP's Reaction Is Priceless


In a shocking turn of events that's sending shockwaves through Washington, the Democratic Party has just crossed a line that should chill every patriot to the bone. On the latest episode of Next News Network's RAW FEED, host Gary Franchi dives deep into reports that Democratic lawmakers are signaling they won't certify the election if Donald Trump wins. You heard that right, folks - the party that constantly lectures us about democracy is now threatening to ignore your votes if they don't like the outcome.

But buckle up, because that's just the tip of the iceberg. We've got leaked emails, backroom deals, and a web of conspiracy that goes all the way to the top. Representative Jamie Raskin, long known for accusing Republicans of being a threat to democracy, is now saying he'll only vote to certify the results if he feels the election was "free, fair, and honest." The irony is thicker than molasses, folks.

Raskin, a ranking member of the House Oversight Committee and former January 6 Committee member, told Axios that if Trump won a "free, fair, and honest election," they would "obviously accept it." But here's the kicker - he "definitely doesn't assume" Trump would use "free, fair, and honest means to secure victory." It's a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black, and we've got the receipts.

But it gets even wilder. Remember when Raskin talked about using the 14th Amendment to disqualify Trump? Well, he's dusting off that playbook again. In a recently resurfaced clip, Raskin warns of "civil war conditions" if Trump wins in 2024. He's talking about using the 14th Amendment to tell "rampaging Trump mobs" that he's disqualified. It's fearmongering at its finest, folks, and we've got the full breakdown.

And brace yourselves—this just in a black insurrectionist has just thrown down the gauntlet on X (formerly known as Twitter), directing a jaw-dropping message at Tim Walls. The accusations are explosive, involving allegations of a secret past with a male student, a school board meeting, and some pretty scandalous behavior at a gay bar.

The man claims he’s got the receipts, calling him “Touchdown Timmy,” and hinting at dropping this October surprise any day now. If even a fraction of this is true, it's game over for Walls. This bombshell could rock the political world to its core!

But wait, there's more! We've got exclusive footage of Kamala Harris pandering to Latino voters by changing how she pronounces "COVID." The cringe is real, folks, and you've got to see it to believe it. Plus, Hollywood is getting in on the action. Julia Roberts is out there stumping for the Democrats, and her speech is so out of touch it'll make your head spin.

Friends, our republic is under threat, but not from who the mainstream media wants you to believe. It's the very people crying "democracy in danger" who are plotting to subvert the will of the people. This is a pivotal moment in American history, and you need to be informed.

The next few weeks will be critical. As Trump's momentum builds and the Democratic panic intensifies, we're likely to see more desperate moves and wild accusations. Stay tuned to RAW FEED for the latest breaking news, insider leaks, and analysis you won't find anywhere else. The future of our republic is at stake, and we're committed to keeping you informed every step of the way.

Don't let the mainstream media bury this story. Share it far and wide. The American people deserve to know the truth about who's really threatening our democracy. Together, we can ensure that the voice of the people is heard, no matter what backroom deals and constitutional gymnastics the political elite try to pull.

At a press conference in Turkmenistan, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that a new world order is necessary,


.... One where wealth is more fairly distributed, and every nation's voice is heard. He emphasized that in today’s challenging global climate, with unprecedented threats and major changes in international relations, the formation of a new world order is inevitable. Putin advocated for broad international cooperation in this emerging multipolar world, inviting dialogue with Russia's friends, partners, and allies.

During the summit, Putin met with Iranian President Masoud Pesan for the first time. The two leaders held face-to-face talks, focusing on mutual relations and the situation in the Middle East. This meeting comes at a time of heightened tensions in the region, and analysts suggest that Russia's increasing engagement with Iranian officials is Moscow's way of demonstrating that it is not isolated.

However, it remains unclear whether Russia would support Iran in the event of a full-scale conflict with Israel. Russia has drawn closer to anti-American forces in the region, including Iran, its proxies, and the Assad regime in Syria.

Recently, a Russian military base in Syria was nearly targeted by Israeli missiles, fueling speculation about potential escalations.

For over a year, Israel has been fighting wars on multiple fronts, including Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the Houthis in Yemen. A common factor across these conflicts is Iran’s Revolutionary Islamic government, which has been exerting influence in the region since 1979, subjugating its people and extending its reach through proxy forces.

FEMA's New Playbook: Save the LGBT and Leave the Rest to Rot


You might think this shocking story is one big conspiracy theory. But you'd be wrong—or, if it is, blame the New York Post for this sensational bombshell.

The federal government never ceases to amaze.

When disaster strikes, you'd think FEMA would have a pretty simple mission: get in, help as many people as possible, and save lives. But apparently, that's a little too "old school" for today's disaster relief experts.

Now, it's not about helping the greatest number of people—no, that would be too utilitarian. Instead, welcome to FEMA 2.0, where "disaster equity" reigns supreme, and some lives, particularly LGBT lives, matter more than others.

In a 2023 webinar titled "Helping LGBTQIA+ Survivors Before Disasters"—because, of course, we need a whole seminar on this—FEMA's top minds and other federal health and disaster officials decided to lay it all out.

The goal?

Move away from those tired old policies that benefit everyone equally and focus on the real priority: serving specific groups based on innate characteristics like sexual orientation and gender identity.

Rep. Byron Donalds Destroys Kamala Harris on Hurricane Response Shes Cosplaying as a Leader




Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) has been on the ground helping his fellow Floridians in the aftermath of Hurricanes Helene and Milton.

Dive-Bombing Seagulls Terrorize Scottish Coastal Towns to the Point Where They Are Damaging Citizens Mental Health





What was once a mere plot of a 1963 horror-thriller classic ‘The Birds’, a 1963 film produced and directed by Alfred Hitchcock, has developed into a real-life nightmare for multiple coastal cities in Scotland.

Watch Univision Panic When They Realize They Showed Kamala Harriss Teleprompter Live On Air During Town Hall (VIDEO)





Kamala Harris got caught using a teleprompter during Thursday night’s Univision town hall in Las Vegas.

WATCH: Governor Ron DeSantis NUKES Far Left Reporter on His Global Warming Propaganda During Hurricane Milton Presser 






Florida starts the long process of clean-up and reconstruction following the devastation of Hurricane Milton that hit the Sunshine State earlier this week.

OUR DEMOCRACY: Jamie Raskin and Other Dems Already Signaling They May Not Vote to Certify 2024 Election if Trump Wins




Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland and other members of his party are already signaling that they may not vote to certify the 2024 election if Trump wins.



Ted Cruz Gets up and RIPS The Entire Democrats in Congress to SHREDS

In the 237 years of our nation's history, there may not have been a more shameful day in the United States Senate than today. What we just witnessed was a travesty—a travesty to the United States Constitution and to the American people. It’s critical to understand why the Democrats acted the way they did.

As we stand here on the Senate floor, I want the record to show this: not a single Democrat Senator, aside from the presiding officer, is present. That’s right—zero. Not one chose to come to this floor and hear a single word of evidence concerning the Constitution.

The Democrats have decided that Joe Biden and Alejandra Mayorkas defying federal law, ignoring the text of the statutes, and repeatedly releasing criminal illegal aliens is perfectly acceptable. To them, it's just "hunky dory."

Tim Walz Announces He’s SLEEPING With KAMALA?!


TV Host in SHOCK, Audience Gasps: ‘I’m A Knucklehead’


During a live event, Tim Walls made an amusing slip, referring to Kamala Harris as "Young Prostitutor" in front of the entire audience. As he continued his introduction, starting to tell a story about her early career, the humor of the moment wasn’t lost. "She started, and I love this story, as a young "Prostitutor..." he said, but the initial fumble left everyone with a grin, with a playful "as a what now?" lingering in the air. Then later proclaimed that he would be waking up on November 6 with Madame President Kimmel.

Firefox Zero-Day Under Attack: Update Your Browser Immediately



Mozilla has revealed that a critical security flaw impacting Firefox and Firefox Extended Support Release (ESR) has come under active exploitation in the wild.

The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-9680 (CVSS score: 9.8), has been described as a use-after-free bug in the Animation timeline component.

"An attacker was able to achieve code execution in the content process by exploiting a use-after-free in Animation timelines," Mozilla said in a Wednesday advisory.

"We have had reports of this vulnerability being exploited in the wild."

Nearly 10 Million Pounds of Ready-to-Eat Meat Recalled: USDA


Coming on the heels of a massive deli meat recall due to a listeria outbreak, a new warning has been issued as a major meat processor is recalling almost 10 million pounds of its product.

Indiana Teacher and Democrat County Chair Arrested for Masturbating in Front of His Students






A teacher and Democratic Party official in Indiana has been charged and arrested with masturbating in front of his students.

Major Bank Hit with Record Fine Over Drug Cartel Money Laundering Scandal



One of America’s major banks has been hit with a massive fine after federal investigators said it was lax in its efforts to monitor money laundering.

JUST IN: Obama Judge Chutkan Agrees to Unseal Jack Smiths Evidence Against Trump in Dirty October Surprise




Judge Tanya Chutkan agreed to unseal Special Counsel Jack Smith’s evidence attached to the 165-page ‘opening brief’ which was already used to attack President Trump.

Radio Host Charlamagne Points Out a Critical Difference Between Trump and Harris: Always America First


Lenard McKelvey, a prominent black radio host who calls himself “Charlamagne Tha God,” spent the spring and summer of 2020 urging then-candidate Joe Biden to select a black woman as his running mate, so the host bears at least some responsibility for the catastrophe that is Vice President Kamala Harris.

THE PEOPLES PRESIDENT: Trump Will Make Interest Payments on Car Loans

FULLY Tax Deductible





The former president told the audience, “This will stimulate massive domestic auto production and make car ownership dramatically more affordable for millions and millions of working American families.”

Inflation Prints Hotter Than Expected After Big Fed Rate-Cut (Biden/Harris Legacy of Real Weekly Earnings DOWN -3.4%, Rent UP 23%)


Biden/Harris will be remembered for many things, mostly BAD. Uncontrolled immigration, crime out of control, endless wars, grossly incompetent government administrators, 200k+ missing immigrant children, etc. But wreckless inflation coming from insane government spending takes the cake. And it is heating up again, with the help of The Feral Reserve. Yes, The FERAL Reserve.

"Lieutenant Dan" Survived Hurricane Milton And Proved Everyone Wrong




One such Tampa resident, nicknamed "Lieutenant Dan" in reference to the Forest Gump character who fictitiously survived a hurricane on a boat, recently went viral on TikTok. He originally claimed, just a day before Milton was expected to make landfall, that he would ride out the storm inside his houseboat.

🚨TRUMP: "The shooter had 3 cell phones. The FBI has never gotten them open..."


The other shooter had 6 cell phones. They still haven't opened them...some of the apps are foreign based. They had no problem getting the J6 cell phones open. Why is Apple not able to open these phones?"

"Who has 6 cell phones? Having 6 cell phones is weird. If I even have two, that's a lot."

"Apple opened up the phones on J6 but they won't open up the phones for an assassination attempt on a President?"

"Some people would say you would have to possibly punish Apple..."

"Who are those people (the shooter) is calling when he's hiding behind a bush?"



**Tornado Outbreak:** The National Weather Service in Miami has reported a record-breaking number of tornado warnings in a single day. And now, breaking news—Hurricane Milton has swept through Florida, leaving behind widespread destruction, casualties, and severe flooding. Over 3 million people are currently without power.


The hurricane made landfall near the Tampa area yesterday at approximately 8:30 p.m. as a Category 3 storm. Today, we're diving into all the details, including up-to-date footage of the devastation. I'll also take you behind the scenes with FEMA and share my personal experience applying for emergency assistance after Hurricane Barrel hit earlier this year.

We'll then explore some of the conspiracy theories circulating around Tampa, including whether it's becoming a "15-minute city," Bill Gates' alleged $3 billion investment in the area, and the controversial idea of weather control. What is HAARP? What is cloud seeding? I’ll walk you through six to seven weather control methods currently being developed.

Netflix pulled a documentary on root canals causing illness and cancers after dentists

threatened to sue.

In a world where everyone believes they know Donald Trump; a groundbreaking documentary is set to challenge that perception.


*"The Man You Don’t Know"* aims to strip away the familiar image of one of America's most controversial figures, unveiling a side of Trump that has remained hidden from the public—until now.

Armed Thieves Start Looting NYC Apartments...





With big box retailers clamping down hard on retail theft, NYC's thieves who never seem to wind up in jail have turned their attention to a new target... the homes of the law abiding.

🔴LIVE - Major Hurricane Milton Landfall With Storm Chasers On The Ground

- Live Weather Channels...




🔴LIVE - Major Hurricane Milton Landfall With Storm Chasers On The Ground - Live Weather Channel...


Footage shows Hurricane Milton's early impact after Florida landfall


Tracking Hurricane Milton as it moves across central Florida


Multiple deaths confirmed after Hurricane Milton makes landfall in Florida



Hurricane Helene Is 5th Generation Warfare!


#asheville #FEMA


"I’m in this motel room because I needed a quiet place to make this video—this is that important. What I’m about to show you will prove that we are in the middle of a war, not one you see on the news, but a real war against the people. I’ve got the receipts, and whether you accept them or not is up to you. But if you have a platform, you need to share this. This isn't getting the attention it deserves.

An entire town has been wiped out. The people have been left behind, abandoned by the very government that should be protecting them. But it gets worse—there are forces at play trying to stop citizens from helping each other. That’s not just abandonment; that’s oppression.

This isn’t conspiracy or speculation—this is happening right now. So, if you care, if you have a voice, now is the time to use it. National news isn’t covering this, but we can."

Japan Warns Bill Gates His "Days Are Numbered" After Abortion Drugs Found in Vaccines


Japan has sent a clear message to Bill Gates - his time is running out. With the government's Covid Task Force swiftly uncovering his crimes, the walls are closing in on the globalist kingpin.

Japanese scientists are now taking a stand, urging international prosecutors to bring a case of crimes against humanity against Gates. Among them, world-renowned experts like Dr. Fukushima are raising the alarm, revealing shocking discoveries that some vaccines contain abortion drugs designed for depopulation.

They warn that there is overwhelming evidence suggesting Gates isn’t finished yet - he has plans to inflict even more harm in the near future. It’s time for the world to unite and bring him to justice!

Gutfeld: CBS News tried to salvage this train wreck






Fox News host Greg Gutfeld and the panel discuss Vice President Kamala Harris’ recent media blitz and her ‘60 Minutes’ interview on ‘Gutfeld!’

How far will VP Harris go in this race with Trump for Israeli support? Only time will tell, but it’s definitely intriguing—especially considering that the U.S. State Department has a completely different take on the situation!


Vice President Harris Says Iran

Is the USs Greatest Adversary


by Dave DeCamp October 8, 2024 at 3:49 pm ET Categories NewsTags 


Vice President Kamala Harris has named Iran as the US’s top “adversary,” pointing to the recent Iranian missile attack on Israel, which came in response to multiple Israeli escalations.


When asked in her 60 Minutes interview which country she believed was the US’s “greatest adversary,” Harris said, “I think there’s an obvious one in mind, which is Iran.”


She continued, “Iran has American blood on their hands. And what we saw in terms of just this attack on Israel, 200 ballistic missiles, what we need to do to ensure that Iran never achieves the ability to be a nuclear power, that is one of my highest priorities.”


Harris was then asked if she would take military action against Iran if she had proof the country had nuclear weapons, and responded, “I’m not gonna talk about hypotheticals at this moment.”

While there is always much hype around Iran’s nuclear program, which is strictly for civilian purposes, CIA Director William Burns acknowledged on Monday that there’s no evidence Iran has decided to build a nuclear weapon.


Both Harris and former President Donald Trump are running on platforms of being extremely pro-Israel and hawkish on Iran. Trump said last week that Israel should strike Iranian nuclear facilities, criticizing President Biden for cautioning against the idea.


Harris’s claim that Iran is the US’s top adversary goes against the official line of the Biden administration that China is the greatest foreign threat facing the US. The Pentagon’s 2022 National Defense Strategy labels China the “most comprehensive and serious challenge to US national security strategy,” with Russia coming in second. Iran is lumped into a category of “persistent threats” that includes North Korea and organizations such as al-Qaeda and ISIS.

Eric Schmitt, GOP Senators Press FBI Over Indefensible Mishandling of

Child Sexual Abuse Cases


Republican Sen. Eric Schmitt of Missouri released a letter Friday pressing the FBI in response to an audit from the Office of the Inspector General that found “egregious failures” in the agency’s handling of child sexual abuse cases.

Schmitt, who was joined by 10 other Senate Republicans, addressed FBI Director Christopher Wray after the OIG report found instances of “gross negligence” in areas such as victim services, mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse, case transfers between offices, and timely responses to child sexual abuse allegations, according to the letter. Schmitt asked the FBI to explain how these lapses took place, if the agency implemented any disciplinary measures, and to describe how resources were allocated to handle child sexual abuse cases.

“This level of negligence is beyond unacceptable—it’s indefensible,” Schmitt said in the letter.

Child abuse POLICY: Biden-Harris administrations open borders policy facilitating

child trafficking in the U.S.



The Biden-Harris administration’s “open borders” policy has had countless negative effects on the U.S., and while it tends to attract a lot of headlines when an illegal immigrant commits a major crime against Americans, such as murder, there is another very big problem that this policy is facilitating: the trafficking of migrant children.


Not only are the influx of illegals and poor border checks making it easier for traffickers, but in some cases, American officials are directly participating in trafficking. This is according to a three-month investigation by Muckraker’s Anthony Rubin.


He exposed the networks of human traffickers who help bring tens of thousands of children into the U.S. each year through a migration pipeline originating in South America – and the federal government’s role in this horrifying state of affairs.


After tracking down some of the 300,000-plus illegal alien children that the Biden-Harris administration has lost track of since entering the country, he uncovered some shocking facts.

For example, not only does the federal government send children to strangers and labor trafficking rings, but a CIA contractor is actually helping to move children across the country.

For the report, Rubin obtained a list from a Department of Health and Human Services insider of more than 8,000 of the children who have gone missing, along with their last known addresses.

Texas homeowner brings his AK-style rifle and his armed wife to confront suspected car thieves.

One shot is all it takes.


A man brought his AK-style rifle — and his wife, who also was armed — to confront suspected car thieves early Tuesday morning at an apartment complex in San Antonio, Texas, police told KSAT-TV.


Police said the man got a notification from a security monitoring system that someone was tampering with his vehicle, the station reported.


'Good for the vehicle owner. Wish more of these incidents would turn out like this one.'


The homeowner — armed with an AK-style rifle, and his wife, who was also armed — entered a garage just after 3 a.m. and saw two suspects, one of whom was armed, coming around from behind their vehicle, police told KSAT.

Fluoride Exposure:

Neurodevelopment and Cognition


The NTP monograph concluded that higher levels of fluoride exposure, such as drinking water containing more than 1.5 milligrams of fluoride per liter, are associated with lower IQ in children. The NTP review was designed to evaluate total fluoride exposure from all sources and was not designed to evaluate the health effects of fluoridated drinking water alone. It is important to note, however, that there were insufficient data to determine if the low fluoride level of 0.7 mg/L currently recommended for U.S. community water supplies has a negative effect on children’s IQ.

The NTP uses 4 confidence levels - high, moderate, low, or very low - to characterize the strength of scientific evidence that associates a particular health outcome with an exposure. After evaluating studies published through October 2023, the NTP Monograph concluded there is moderate confidence in the scientific evidence that showed an association between higher levels of fluoride and lower IQ in children.

The determination about lower IQs in children was based primarily on epidemiology studies in non-U.S. countries such as Canada, China, India, Iran, Pakistan, and Mexico where some pregnant women, infants, and children received total fluoride exposure amounts higher than 1.5 mg fluoride/L of drinking water. The U.S. Public Health Service currently recommends 0.7 mg/L, and the World Health Organization has set a safe limit for fluoride in drinking water of 1.5 mg/L. The NTP found no evidence that fluoride exposure had adverse effects on adult cognition.

Hurricane Milton intensifies to 180mph, possibly Category 6; meteorologist calls its intensity astronomical.


Hurricane Milton, currently a Category 5 storm, has already caused widespread panic across Florida, with highways packed as millions evacuate in a race against time. Winds are forecasted to reach up to 180 mph, fueling an already intense situation, with experts warning of catastrophic damage. However, the claim that Hurricane Milton may be upgraded to a "Category 6" is misleading. The Saffir-Simpson scale caps at Category 5, which includes storms with winds over 157 mph. The notion of a Category 6 does not exist within this official classification system, despite the extreme strength of Milton.

Bombshell report reveals billions in untapped FEMA funds as Americans suffer


Brooke: "The White House is facing serious questions about its priorities after Vice President Kamala Harris pledged $157 million in aid to Lebanon just hours before announcing $100 million for storm recovery efforts in the U.S."

>> "If he’s got money for Lebanon right now without needing Congress to come back, what does that say about his values when there’s not enough for people in North Carolina? That’s not misinformation."

>> "The way you’re framing the question is misinformation. You’re asking why Congress needs to reconvene and do their job to allocate additional relief funds—that’s Congress’s responsibility. You might not agree, and that’s fine, but this is what the President and Vice President are committed to."

*“Thanks, everybody.”*

Proposed Northern Ireland Public Health Bill sets into law mandatory vaccines



The proposed Northern Ireland Public Health Bill is attempting to implement mandatory vaccinations.


UK solicitor Anna de Buisseret has written to the UK representative to the World Health Organisation’s (“WHO’s”) ethics group, questioning proposals to implement mandatory vaccinations when such a proposal violates both domestic and international civil and criminal laws, including the law of war, as well as medical ethics and morals.


She has requested that people ask their countries’ representatives on WHO’s ethics group the same.

Electric car insurance premiums set to soar


Insurance premiums for EVs and Chinese-made cars in particular could skyrocket after a new Vehicle Risk Rating (VRR) system was rolled out last month, an expert said.

VRR will eventually replace the group-based system of insurance, which bands vehicles into 50 separate premium categories.

Five key categories go into the VRR rating, including performance, damageability, safety, security – and “repairability”.

It is this last category that will send EV premiums soaring, Chris Rosamond of Auto Express magazine said, because the insurance industry lacks the information it needs to offer lower premiums on EVs.

Mr. Rosamond said: “If the data does show… as many or most of us expect, that there is this increased risk around batteries, then it’s likely that will emerge in, or be reflected in, premiums down the track.

Today's Geopolitical Forces Driving Gold Higher





The spreading Middle East conflict is now one of the dominant forces driving gold and silver higher – alongside thriving central bank demand and the growing deficit of silver production. The path to $50 silver seems clear – here’s what’s next…

Fake News on the Economy Is Driven by Fake Money




The mainstream financial media is hailing Friday’s surprise “blowout” jobs report. According to the Labor Department, employers added 254,000 jobs in September, much more than had been forecasted.


President Joe Biden joined Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell in taking a victory lap for the supposedly strong economy.

Watch: Black Hawk Helo Wreaks Havoc On Civilian Hurricane Outpost, Raising Questions




The pilots of what appears to be an unmarked Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter generated a massive downwash, also known as rotor wash, that sent tents and aid flying in all directions at a volunteer supply zone operated by private citizens in western North Carolina.


This action by the helicopter pilots is up for debate, with many on X believing this was an intentional act of sabotage by the federal government. 

NYC Gang Attacks Governor… Outside McDonald’s




Former NY Governor David Paterson was assailed by a gang outside of a Manhattan Mcdonald's. While the former Gov is ok and arrests are being made, many New Yorkers wonder if street safety in our city is trending in a positive direction...

There's Something Very Bizarre About This.. It Doesn't Seem Natural


There’s something strange going on with our recent weather, my friends. This is Tony, and I hope you're all doing well. We have a lot to cover in this video, especially with what’s happened overnight. Something not quite normal is unfolding with Hurricane Milton.

We’ve now seen Milton intensify to a Category 5 storm, which is unusual considering how it developed in the Gulf of Mexico. This is coming right on the heels of Hurricane Helen, which caused nearly $100 billion in damage—and that number is likely even higher now. We're still dealing with the aftermath of Helen while Milton brings its own set of challenges.

I’ve been showing videos of people discussing how, for some reason, aid and assistance are slow to arrive—especially in Western North Carolina. The National Guard presence has been minimal, with reports suggesting only a fraction of the needed support is coming through. I talked about this in a previous video, where someone mentioned that for every 20 or so civilian helicopters, only one or two National Guard helicopters are actively helping.



It’s not just the lack of aid; there are also reports of civilian pilots being told to stop their rescue efforts, even though they’re using their own resources and time to help. Many pilots have shared stories of receiving strange calls from their states, urging them to back off from assisting those in need. Something isn’t adding up, and it’s raising a lot of questions.

Major Hurricane Milton PRE Coverage



Let’s jump right into the coverage. Welcome back to another Ryan Hall Y’all live stream. This is what we call our pre-coverage. We’re focusing on Hurricane Milton today, discussing the forecast and everything you’ll need to know as we approach landfall on the western coast of Florida.


We’ve been closely monitoring the highways across Florida, and last night, the roads were packed with evacuees. Over a million people, particularly in the Tampa area, have evacuated. We're keeping a close watch on the traffic between Tampa and Fort Myers, which is likely to face the greatest impacts from Hurricane Milton.

Although there’s still some traffic, it has calmed down a bit. Hopefully, this means most people have already evacuated, rather than people delaying their departure. We'll continue keeping a close eye on the situation as the storm approaches.

Hurricane Milton: Bill Gates' Hurricane Control Patents EXPOSED


I came across this fascinating article from 2009 that talks about a surprising plan Bill Gates had—or maybe still has—to control hurricanes. Yes, you heard that right: Bill Gates wanted to spend his billions controlling hurricanes. Now, instead of diving into the specifics of how or why this plan came about, let’s focus on the bigger picture—Bill Gates actually considered investing his wealth to manipulate the weather, specifically targeting hurricanes.

Here’s the gist of the article: Microsoft founder Bill Gates, along with some co-inventors including climate scientist Ken Caldera from the Carnegie Institution, filed five patent applications with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. These patents, made public on July 9th, proposed a method to slow down hurricanes by pumping cold, deep ocean water into their paths using turbine-equipped barges. If granted, these patents would give Gates and his team 18 years of exclusive rights to this weather-modifying idea.

The concept builds on the fact that hurricanes, like Hurricane Katrina in 2005, gain strength from the warm surface waters of the ocean. The patents describe how strategically placed barges could pump cold water from the ocean depths to cool the sea surface, potentially reducing the intensity of storms before they make landfall.


A story you may have missed


The House and Senate Members Personally Profiting from War


This page writes frequently about Congress’s unofficial but all-too-real mandate of making money for its friends in the defense sector. While this is absolutely true, it is also crucial to remember that these lawmakers also use the weapons industry to enrich themselves.


According to a comprehensive breakdown compiled by Sludge, more than 50 members of Congress hold as much as $10.9 million in defense contractor stocks. The publication calculated the figure by using a variety of financial disclosures currently required by law. As the article notes, these securities are held either by the lawmakers, their spouses or children, or via a qualified blind trust.  


The halls of American power ooze with all kinds of unsavory activity, but this is undoubtedly one of the system’s most egregious forms of corruption. Members of Congress who sit on influential bodies that control the flow of federal dollars to some of the nation’s largest weapons manufacturers are directly invested in these same companies, to the tune of hundreds of thousands, and sometimes millions of dollars.


“In the Senate, several lawmakers with investments in defense contractors sit on committees that set and approve defense spending: three are on the Committee on Armed Services (SASC), and five are members of the Committee on Appropriations, including two who sit on the key Defense Appropriations subcommittee. 

This body has jurisdiction over drafting legislation to allocate funds to government agencies including the Department of Defense, as well as supplemental spending bills,” writes Sludge. “On the House side, at least five lawmakers with household stakes in defense contractors sit on the House Armed Services Committee (HASC), which has jurisdiction over defense policy, headlined by the mammoth annual NDAA. Three of the representatives sit on the Defense Appropriations subcommittee.”  

Scientists sue after publisher moves to suppress science-based evidence of abortion dangers


A prominent publisher of science research is being challenged in court after moving to suppress science-based details about the dangers of abortion, according to a new report at the Federalist.

The fight now in Superior Court in Ventura, California, is over a decision by Sage Publications to move to retract three key studies "exposing the dangers of the nation's most popular abortion drug regiment," the report explained.

It's happening just as the U.S. Supreme Court is approaching a case involving the drug, mifepristone.

The report explained 10 of the researchers who delivered in three scientific papers their conclusions about the threat to lives have now filed a petition to compel arbitration.

They accuse the publisher of "pretextual and discriminatory" comments that were created to support retracting the findings on the abortion pill. The authors provided science to back their original writings, but Sage ignored it.



The open southern border of the United States, and the millions of individuals flowing across that landscape, has created an environmental disaster 2,000 miles long, and one that will cost billions of dollars to remedy. 

While mass migration has battered the southern border's ecosystems for decades, the recent surge of over 30 million individuals crossing illegally, in the course of just 39 months, has exacerbated this devastation.

Mountains of waste have long been issues at the border. A cleanup crew in Rio Rico, Arizona, for instance, removed over forty-two tons of trash between 2008 and 2012. This was from only 160 acres of the Cocopah tribal lands of western Arizona. Cleanup crewmember Raquel Martinez stated, “We need more bags…there’s so much trash.” 

Texas Demands Biden-Harris Verify Nearly Half A Million Unverified Voters


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has demanded that the Biden-Harris administration turn over data to verify the citizenship status of nearly 454,289 registered voters in Texas. 

In a letter addressed to USCIS Director Ur M. Jaddou on Monday, Paxton raised concerns that these individuals may have unlawfully registered to vote without having their citizenship status confirmed.  

Paxton requested Jaddou’s assistance in identifying non-citizens on the voter rolls to ensure only eligible voters cast ballots in the 2024 presidential election, which is expected to be close.


“The Biden-Harris Administration is legally obligated to assist States in doing so, and it is imperative that we use every tool available to uphold the integrity of our elections,” Paxton wrote. 


Texas Demands Biden-Harris Verify Nearly Half a Million Unverified Voters | ZeroHedge

Governor DeSantis lets Kamala have it with both barrels. 🚨🚨 WATCH 👇👇



She freaked out when DeSantis didn’t take her call.


“She’s delusional if she thinks she has some kind of role in this. I’ve talked with the President and FEMA. She’s trying to make the hurricane political because of her failing campaign!”


He (Gov. DeSantis) was having none of her bullshit.






Jesse Watters Primetime 10/7/24 FULL END SHOW HD | BREAKING FOX NEWS October 7, 2024


It's getting spooky for Democrats, as they're haunted by the echoes of Hillary Clinton. That’s the buzz from *Politico*. Kamala Harris, once touted as the next Obama, is now being compared to Hillary.


There's growing concern that she’s running a safe, uninspired campaign—just like Hillary did. Up to this point, Kamala’s held about the same number of events as Clinton did when she was sick during the 2016 campaign. Harris has spent half her time in DC, with a third of that time without any public appearances.


Meanwhile, Trump is everywhere. Anxious Democrats are asking why Harris isn’t. She’s practically a ghost, and even in Vegas, people are getting spooked—Trump’s up by seven points in the betting markets. CNN is gearing up for what they’re calling a potential “horror show.” They’re asking, what if the polls are slightly off?


Remember back in 2020, when the polls underestimated Trump?

Well, if that happens again in key battleground states, look at this: Trump would carry all of the Great Lake's battlegrounds, along with Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina. He’d end up with 312 electoral votes.

So, the bottom line is, if we see the same polling errors as four years ago, Trump could win the election. And for Kamala Harris, that’s turning hope into dread. Even *Saturday Night Live* has noticed the tension. Obama world isn’t laughing though—Kamala was his idea, after all. David Axelrod has said Harris needs to step up. Obama is pushing her to do more interviews, and the last time a Democrat ignored Obama’s advice, it didn’t end well.

So, this week, Harris launched a media blitz. But if her appearance on *60 Minutes* is anything to go by, she’s got a lot of work ahead of her.




Hurricane Milton track update: 'Once-in-a-generation' storm headed towards Florida


Hurricane Milton formed in the Gulf of Mexico on Saturday and is expected to become a major hurricane before making landfall over Florida. Some communities in Florida could see life-threatening storm surge, flooding, heavy rainfall, and damaging winds.

Israel cuts off main Lebanon-Syria road





An Israel airstrike hit Lebanon’s Masnaa border crossing with Syria, cutting off a road that was being used by hundreds of thousands of people to flee Israeli bombardments in recent days. Al Jazeera’s Assed Baig reports from the scene of the strike.



“If they [social media companies] don’t moderate and monitor the content, we lose total control”

- Hillary Clinton



Translation -- "We are losing Control over our Mainstream Media Credibility. People are paying more attention to Facebook and TwitterX over our own News Networks.." 

Dirty, brownish water frustrates Grafton residents


"You can't bathe, you can't drink it, you can't do laundry," said one resident.



It's Happening - WW3 HAS BEGUN!!!

🚨Kamala Harris Motorcade CRASH! No one is talking about this🚨





YIKES! Kamala Harris Is DONE If This Goes VIRAL!


How about the young girl she Paralyzed for life in an accident years ago?

I Think I Found Kamala’s Real Family


| Candace Ep 73

Let’s dive in. You’ve probably heard of the term “whitewashing” history, but have you heard of “blackwashing?” Blackwashing is when a politician, during election season, suddenly tries to connect with Black voters by fabricating or exaggerating aspects of their personal history. They start using slang and colloquialisms, hoping to sound relatable and win support. It’s practically become a rite of passage for some Democrats. This time, though, we might have caught the offender red-handed—I'm talking about Kamala Harris. I think she and her campaign team are going to regret the day their media allies went after Janet Jackson.

Appalachia After Hurricane Helene:

What the Media Won't Tell You


Hurricane Helen, a Category 4 storm, swept across Florida's Big Bend like an uninvited guest, leaving behind an unimaginable path of destruction.


It traveled all the way up to Southern Appalachia, a region that rarely sees hurricanes. But Helen defied expectations, flooding streets across Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, the Carolinas, and parts of Virginia. Rivers rose almost instantly, causing dam failures, mudslides, landslides, and catastrophic floods throughout Appalachia.


Major roadways are down, cell service is non-existent, and power is out for the foreseeable future. 

Many areas are now only accessible by air, and the full scale of the disaster hasn't even been covered yet. Entire towns remain underwater, and countless families are still searching for their loved ones.

Ukrainian MP wants children punished for speaking Russian



An MP in Ukraine has proposed a new law preventing schoolchildren from speaking to each other in any language but Ukrainian, even outside of the classroom. Natalya Pipa claims that the mandatory use of the official language in class is not sufficient to ensure its dominance.

A large proportion of Ukrainian citizens can speak or understand both Russian and Ukrainian, particularly in the east of the country. However, since the 2014 coup, the new authorities have abolished Russian as an official regional language, and adopted policies aimed at its suppression. According to the government in Kiev, the language constitutes a threat to national unity and security.

Russia has repeatedly denounced these steps as discrimination.

I Uncovered a Shocking UN Document That Proves We're Being Replaced


You're not going to believe what I found. To my knowledge, I’m the first person to bring this to YouTube. It's an official UN document that the global elites don't want you to talk about. Back in 2000, the United Nations published a *Replacement Migration* report, and it essentially laid out the blueprint for what we're seeing unfold today.

This report proposes using mass migration as a solution to declining and aging populations in developed nations like the United States, France, Germany, and Japan. But this isn't just about a few immigrants crossing borders—this is about systematically overhauling entire populations.

Look at the numbers in the report: Italy, for instance, is projected to see its population shrink by a staggering 28% by 2050 without migration. So, what does the UN propose? Massive replacement migration. For Italy alone, they suggest bringing in 12.6 million migrants. For the entire European Union? A mind-boggling 47 million migrants by 2050.

And here's the kicker—this isn't some far-off theory. We're seeing it happen right now. The southern border of the United States is being flooded with migrants, and Europe is experiencing a migrant crisis on an unprecedented scale. Meanwhile, politicians and global elites keep telling us this is necessary. The report frames it as maintaining the working-age population, throwing around terms like "support ratios" and "demographic trends." Let that sink in.

Here's what's REALLY going on!


I wanted to take a moment to address the "second moon" situation. I've had several people reach out to me via email and in the comments, asking if I plan to do a livestream to cover the upcoming arrival of the so-called Mini Moon that's set to orbit Earth for a couple of months.

Honestly, I think this is more of a distraction than anything. If it were a major event, I would have reported on it already. This object has been around for a while—probably in our cosmic neighborhood since July. Things like this aren’t exactly new, so I’m not sure why it’s being referred to as a "moon."

Anyway, we're discussing the topic: Earth's Mini Moon is arriving today. Dated September 29th, it talks about what you need to know about this temporary second moon. It’s a small asteroid, about the size of a city bus, that will orbit Earth from September 29th to November 25th.

The asteroid, named 2024 PT5, will get caught in Earth's orbit and hang around until Thanksgiving weekend before flying back into the solar system.

However, I don’t think that’s the whole story.

Nightmarish, deadly disaster zones across 5 states. Many millions without power to Thousands missing or presumed dead.







Kamala completely paralyzed.


Media silent because chaos is bad optics for the regime.


They spent hundreds of billions in Ukraine - won’t lift a finger for America.


-- Benny Johnson

ANGEL MOMS Blast Kamala During Call: ‘Stop Pretending You Care About the Border’


On Friday, during a President Donald Trump campaign press call, several Angel Moms shared the painful reality of the impact of the broken (non-existent) Biden-Harris border policy has unleashed on American families.


Patty Morin, Alexis Nungaray, and Anne Fundner, blasted Harris on the call as the failed Border Czar went on a photo-op visit to the border.

This was Harris’ first visit to the southern border since June 2021.


All three mothers lost their children as a result of the border crisis, either through murder by an illegal or from the fentanyl that has flowed over the border, thanks to Biden-Harris.

An illegal alien from El Salvador was charged with brutally raping and murdering Rachel Morin, a mother-of-five, on a Maryland hiking trail last year.


Her mother Patty shared, “I would tell her, put all the border protections back into place that she and President Biden had stopped in those first hundred days.”


“Put those border protections back into place and start deporting the folks that are here in our country.”


She also for the deportation of every single illegal alien, citing concerns that millions of illegal immigrants in the country have crossed the border undetected. 


“We don’t even know where they are. It’s going to be chaos for years and years to come.”


Alexis Nungaray’s 12-year-old daughter Jocelyn was brutally raped and murdered in June by two illegals from Venezuela.  Alexis questioned Kamala’s real motives for staging the photo op after four years in office.


“Would she only do that if it was someone that mattered to her because in our eyes, it seems like we don’t matter, and she’s shown that this entire campaign,” she said. 


She added, “She came out of nowhere within the last 30-40 days trying to make some type of effort, which really is no effort at all. It’s very sad, it’s very disgraceful, it’s very inhumane.”


Anne Fundner’s 15-year-old son died after accidentally ingesting fentanyl in 2022. The deadly drug has flowed across the broken border in terrifying amounts. Fundner suggested Harris is only interested in the border now because of her campaign.


She remarked, “I would say that she is late coming to the table on this. At any point, she can do something.”


“She can reinstate Remain in Mexico, which is an incredible Trump policy, and she can end catch and release. She can bring back, as I mentioned earlier, all the border policies, but she doesn’t.”


The mothers have also not heard from Harris. Patty Morin’s daughter, Rachel, was raped & killed by a Kamala illegal. Alexis Nungaray’s daughter, Jocelyn, was raped & killed by Kamala illegals. Anne Fundner’s son, Weston, was killed by fentanyl trafficked across Kamala’s open border.

Kamala hasn’t contacted any of them.


— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 27, 2024


The Angel Moms’ concerns are backed by unsettling statistics.


Townhall reports:

More than 30 tons of fentanyl have crossed the U.S.-Mexico border since the Biden-Harris Administration took office. In 2021, just after the Biden-Harris Administration’s immigration policies took effect, 90 percent of 80,000 opioid-related deaths involved fentanyl. 


According to the report from the Deputy Director of ICE Patrick Lechleitner sent to Congressman Tony Gonzalez, over 662,000 illegal immigrants with criminal histories are currently on ICE’s national docket.


Terrifyingly, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is currently tracking over 425,000 illegal immigrants convicted of various crimes, while 226,000 face pending criminal charges, all of whom have been released into the United States under the regime’s lenient immigration enforcement.


Of that staggering number, over 13,000 illegal immigrants have been convicted of homicide, and more than 15,000 have been convicted of sexual assault.


ANGEL MOMS Blast Kamala During Call: ‘Stop Pretending You Care About the Border’ - YourDestinationNow

The New Order of the Barbarians


The tapes, referred to as the "New World System Tapes" (Volumes 1 and 2), feature a recollection by Dr. Lawrence Dunigan of a speech given on March 20th, 1969, by an insider of a powerful order. The identity and credentials of this insider are provided in an interview with Dr. Dunigan on Tape 3. The moderator of these recordings is Randy Engle, National Director of the U.S. Coalition for Life.

Over the past 20 years, there has been much written and spoken by various individuals who have observed significant societal changes in America. When looking back through the history of the United States—and indeed the world—some have come to believe there is a conspiracy at play, influencing or even controlling major historical events, not only in the U.S. but globally.

This conspiratorial view of history typically stems from external observations—gathering evidence after the fact and concluding that a conspiracy exists. Their conclusions are based on a retrospective analysis of events.

However, what I am about to describe is not a case of hindsight. In 1969, nearly 20 years ago, I listened to a speaker who did not speculate about a conspiracy from the outside. Instead, he spoke from within—openly acknowledging the existence of a powerful, organized group with enough influence to shape major global events. He didn’t reflect on the past, but rather, predicted changes that would occur in the future, revealing the intentional direction of global affairs by those in control.